marți, 27 octombrie 2009

Focus Energy Limited - Project: Block RJ-ON/6

The Block is located in Indus Basin in Rajasthan, two gas discoveries have been made at the Block. High quality reserves of natural gas has been discovered in the sub-basin of Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan.

The discovery was made in excellent cretaceous reservoir sandstones at a depth of 3,100 meters. The well flowed 15 mmscf/d (million standard cubic feet per day) of almost pure methane gas through a 48/64 choke. The discovery of the gas has been confirmed through conventional open hole drill stem test.

The block is located is surrounded by Acreages with significant world class oil and gas discoveries on Pakistan side. Multi TCF, 2P reserves has been so far discovered in Pakistan within 35-50km distance of the block.


Basin Area - 126,000 sq km
Basin type – Pericratonic Rift Basin
Proven Sedimentary Section

  1. Age Range: Cambrian to recent
  2. Thickness ~ 5000m
Petroleum Geology

  1. Expected Reservoir Rocks: Classic and carbonate reservoirs in Cambrian to Paleocene sequences.
  2. Expected Source Rocks: Paleozoic limestone and shales in Permian, Jurassic and Cretaceous.
  3. Expected Cap Rocks: Intra-formational shales and tight limestones
Proven/Expected Play Type
Structural Highs and fault closure
Stratigraphic / Structural Traps

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