joi, 1 decembrie 2011

Breitling Oil and Gas announces completion underway in Garvin County, OK

IRVING, Texas -- Breitling Oil and Gas Corporation, an independent exploration and production company based in Irving, Texas, announced that the Breitling-Butterwash #2 is being completed as a possible oil and gas producer after reaching a total vertical depth of 4,700 ft.
The Breitling-Butterwash #2 was the second well in Breitling's Butterwash Paul's Valley Uplift prospect. The well was located on the Richardson anticline in south-central Oklahoma. The Breitling-Butterwash #2 targeted the Simpson Sands including the Basal Oil Sandstone.
Breitling Oil and Gas CEO Chris Faulkner stated, "We are excited about the potential in the Breitling-Butterwash #2 within the Richardson anticline."

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